Minyoung Song,Erwin Allebes,C. E. Marshall,Anoop Narayan Bhat,Elbert Bechthum,Johan Dijkhuis,Stefano Traferro,Evgenii Tiurin,Peter Vis,Johan van den Heuvel,Mohieddine El Soussi,Pepijn Boer,Alireza Sheikh,Bernard Meyer,Jiang Liu,Stan van der Ven,Nick Winkel,Martijn Hijdra,Gururaja Kasanadi Ramachandra,Yunus Baykal
This work presents an IEEE 802.15.4a/4z compliant IRUWB transceiver for high-precision ranging. By virtue of the proposed digital deserialization-serialization, the TX can generate the Inter-Symbol-Interference (ISI) free IEEE 802.15.4a/4z packet. The proposed analog Finite Impulse Response (FIR)-based TX pre-emphasis improves $3.5 \times $ ranging precision without substantial power overhead and fulfills the spectrum requirement of the standard and the worldwide UWB regulations. The presented transceiver consumes 8.7 mW in TX mode and 21 mW in RX mode.