With the in-depth application of big data and artificial intelligence in various fields, the standardization of knowledge representation has attracted much attention from researchers. However, the current research on knowledge representation standardization mainly focuses on system construction, term registration, technology and domain application, etc., and there is a lack of representation model research on semantic relation organization from the perspective of semantics. Therefore, in order to standardize the representation of the conceptual system model, firstly studies the series of metamodels used to represent and store concepts and conceptual relations in the ISO/IEC 11179 standard, and based on the division of relations in the ISO 1087 standard, proposed Semantic Relation Metamodel Based on MDR standard, SRMM. Then, in order to realize the mapping from MDR conceptual system model to ontology, the rules for mapping conceptual system to OWL are defined. Finally, a data element registration system is designed and developed based on the EPDM data model, which verifies the availability of the proposed ideas and methods. Since this research adopts general international standards, the ideas and methods are also applicable to metadata standardization and knowledge representation standardization in other fields.