Natural course of severe temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis evaluated by a novel condylar remodelling scoring system and quantitative volumetric analysis
Temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis (TMJ-OA) frequently causes mild, moderate, or severe condylar morphological changes. A novel condylar remodelling scoring system (CRSS) based on three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography images is proposed, which is used to grade condylar morphological changes. In the CRSS, the condyle is divided into 10 regions by 11 reference points. For each increase in the number of regions involved in TMJ-OA, one point is subtracted from the full score of 10. The intra-class correlation coefficients for intra- and inter-observer agreement (range 0.656-0.898 and 0.841-0.906, respectively) indicated that the CRSS had good reliability. Cephalometric analysis showed that the condyles with severe morphological changes were prone to present with a retrognathic and clockwise rotating mandible, shorter ramus height, reduced mandibular length, larger mandibular angle, and maxillary retrusion. Qualitative CRSS evaluation and quantitative volumetric analysis were performed to evaluate the stability of severe TMJ-OA in its natural course (343 condyles). The continuous cortex group showed no remarkable changes with an average follow-up of 2 years. In the discontinuous cortex group, most (74.4%) converted into a continuous cortex during follow-up (mean 2 years).