Abstract This study aims at quantifying the effect that using different skin conductivity values has on the estimation of the electric ( E )-field distribution induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the brain of two anatomical models. The induced E -field was calculated with numerical simulations inside MIDA and Duke models, assigning to the skin a conductivity value estimated from a multi-layered skin model and three values taken from literature. The effect of skin conductivity variations on the local E -field induced by tDCS in the brain was up to 70%. In TMS, minor local differences, in the order of 20%, were obtained in regions of interest for the onset of possible side effects. Results suggested that an accurate model of the skin is necessary in all numerical studies that aim at precisely estimating the E -field induced during TMS and tDCS applications. This also highlights the importance of further experimental studies on human skin characterization, especially at low frequencies.