Thyroid dysfunction during tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) cancer treatment is common, but predisposing risk factors have not been determined. Recommendations for monitoring patients treated with one or multiple TKI and in conjunction with other relevant cancer therapies could be improved. The study objective was to assess the risk factors for new thyroid dysfunction in TKI-treated previously euthyroid cancer patients.A retrospective cohort study of patients with advanced nonthyroidal cancer treated with TKI from 2000 to 2017, having available thyroid function tests showing initial euthyroid status, excluding patients with preexisting thyroid disease or lack of follow-up thyroid function tests. During TKI treatment, patients were classified as euthyroid (thyrotropin [TSH] normal), subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH 5-10 mIU/L, or higher TSH if free thyroxine normal), or overt hypothyroidism (TSH >10 mIU/L, low free thyroxine, or requiring thyroid hormone replacement). The timing of thyroid dysfunction and TKI used were assessed. Risk factors for incident hypothyroidism were evaluated using multivariate models.In 538 adult patients included, subclinical hypothyroidism occurred in 71 (13.2%) and overt hypothyroidism occurred in 144 (26.8%) patients with TKI therapy, following a median cumulative TKI exposure of 196 days (interquartile range [IQR] 63.5-518.5 days). The odds of hypothyroidism were greatest during the first six months on a TKI. Median exposure time on the TKI concurrent with thyroid dysfunction in patients treated with only one TKI was 85 days (IQR 38-293.5 days) and was similar to the 74 days (IQR 38-133.3 days) in patients treated previously with other TKI (p = 0.41). Patients who developed hypothyroidism compared to those who remained euthyroid had greater odds of being female (odds ratio = 1.99 [confidence interval 1.35-2.93], p < 0.01), but greater cumulative TKI exposure and greater number of TKI received were not associated with thyroid dysfunction.Thyroid dysfunction occurred in 40% of euthyroid patients. Monitoring thyroid function in TKI-treated patients is recommended, with particular attention to female patients and within the first six months of exposure to a new TKI.