HdeA and YmgD are structurally homologous proteins in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. HdeA has been shown to represent an acid-activated chaperone, whereas the function of YmgD has not yet been characterized. We performed pH-titrating molecular dynamics simulations (pHtMD) to investigate the structural changes of both proteins and to assess whether YmgD may also exhibit an unfolding behavior similar to that of HdeA. The unfolding pathway of HdeA includes partially unfolded dimer structures, which represent a prerequisite for subsequent dissociation. In contrast to the coupled unfolding and dissociation of HdeA, YmgD displays dissociation of the folded subunits, and the subunits do not undergo significant unfolding even at low pH values. The differences in subunit stability between HdeA and YmgD may be explained by the structural features of helix D, which represents the starting point of unfolding in HdeA. In summary, the present study suggests that YmgD either is not an acid-activated chaperone or, at least, does not require unfolding for activation.