Dielectric, elastic and piezoelectric properties of single domain Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3–6.5%PbTiO3 single crystal with 3m symmetry measured using one sample
In order to use finite element simulation to design electromechanical devices, self-consistent full tensor material properties are needed. The IEEE resonance technique usually requires more than 5 different geometry samples to complete the full tensor characterization, but the poling degree will depend on the sample geometry in relaxor-base ferroelectric single crystals. Hence, it is very difficult to obtain self-consistent full tensor properties using multiple samples. In this study, we used only one sample to determine the whole set of materials properties for single domain PZN–6.5%PT single crystals by combining the ultrasonic pulse-echo (UPE) method and the resonance ultrasonic spectroscopy (RUS) for the elastic and piezoelectric coefficients and the impedance analyzer for dielectric measurements. Comparison with other reported results show the advantage of our methodology and such self-consistent date set would facilitate fundamental studies on domain engineering technique as well as device design optimization using finite element software.