Erosive wear caused by particulates slurry is one of the major concerns in the pipe bend which may results in the failure of the pipe flow system. In the present work, erosion wear rate through mitre pipe bend caused by silica sand particulates slurry has been investigated using ANSYS Fluent code. The solid spherical particulates of size 125 µm and 250 µm having density of 2650 Kg/m 3 , were tracked to compute the erosion wear rate using Discrete Phase Method (DPM) model. The particulates were tracked using Eulerian-Lagrange approach along with k-ɛ turbulent model for continuous fluid phase. The silica particulates were injected at solid concentration of 5% and 10% (by weight) from the pipe inlet surface for wide range of velocities viz. 1–8 ms −1 . The erosion wear rate was computed through four computational erosion models viz. Generic, Oka, Finnie and Mclaury. Furthermore, the outcomes obtained through Generic models are verified through existing experimental data in the literture. Moreover, the results of DPM concentration, turbulence intensity and particle tracking were predicted to analyze the secondary flow behaviour through the bend cross section. Finally, the effect of particulate size, solid concentration and flow velocity were discussed on erosion wear rate through bend cross section. The findings show that the locality of maximum erosive wear is positioned at the extrados of the bend outlet cross section. Additionally, it is found that Mclaury model offers higher erosion rate as compared to the other models and provides benchmark for designing the slurry pipeline system.