[Characteristics of soil nitrogen cycle and mechanisms underlying the increase in rice yield with partial substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic manure in a paddy ecosystem: A review].
Partial substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic manure is a key strategy for stable and increase crop yield accompanying with zero growth of mineral fertilizers. Based on recent stu-dies, we reviewed the effects of partial substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic manure on rice yield, nitrogen utilization efficiency, soil nitrogen fractions, and microbial nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification in rice paddy ecosystems. We further compared the cha-racteristics of soil nitrogen cycle of mineral fertilizers alone and partial substitution of mineral fertili-zers with organic manure. The partial substitution altered key processes of nitrogen cycling, including enhancement of ammonification, mediation of nitrification and denitrification, reduction of ammonia volatilization and nitrogen loss, improved the status of nitrogen supplements (enriching the supplement of low-molecular-weight organic nitrogen, adjusting the distribution of inorganic nitrogen components, increasing the amount of microbial biomass nitrogen, and decreasing the loss of total nitrogen), improved soil nitrogen supply (increasing supply of small molecule organic nitrogen, coordinating inorganic nitrogen components and proportions, and increasing soil microbial biomass nitrogen and total nitrogen fixation), which promoted nitrogen uptake and regulated nitrogen allocation in rice plant to realize stability and enhancement of rice yield.