D. Santhosh Kumar,Md. Samer,A. Abhinav,P. Tejasree,G. Sai Varsha,D. Koushik
This paper presents a Smart Street Lighting System using IoT technology. The project aimed to reduce energy consumption by enabling the lights to turn on only when needed. The system comprised an STM32 microcontroller, an ESP32 Wi-Fi module, LED lights, an IR sensor, an LDR sensor, L298N Drivers, and the ThingSpeak cloud. The LDR sensor determined when it was dark enough to turn the lights on, and the IR sensor detected objects, causing the lights to shine with maximum brightness. The data generated by the system is collected and visualized on the ThingSpeak cloud. The paper discusses the system design, Implementation, and results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the IoT-enabled Smart Street Lighting System in reducing power consumption and optimizing energy usage.