Abstract This work reports a customized methodology for the fabrication of 3D CdS nanosheet (NS)-enwrapped carbon fiber framework (CFF) and its utilization for sensitive split-type CuO-mediated PEC immunoassay. Specifically, the 3D CdS NS-CFF was fabricated via a solvothermal process, while the sandwich immunocomplexing was allowed in a 96 well plate with CuO nanoparticles (NPs) as the signaling labels. The subsequent release of the Cu2+ ions was directed to interact with the CdS NS, generating trapping sites and thus inhibiting its photocurrent generation. In such a protocol, the 3D CdS NS-CFF photoelectrode could not only guarantee its sufficient contact with the Cu2+-containing solution but also supply plenty CdS surface for the Cu2+ ions. Because of the target-dependent release of the Cu2+ ions and its proper coupling with the 3D CdS NS-CFF photoelectrode, a sensitive split-type PEC immunoassay was achieved for the detection of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). This proposed system exhibited good stability and selectivity, and its applicability for real sample analysis was also demonstrated via comparison with the commercial BNP enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. We expect this work could stimulate more interest in the design and utilization of 3D photoelectrodes for novel PEC bioanalysis.