Abstract Perovskite photovoltaics advance rapidly, but questions remain regarding point defects: while experiments have detected the presence of electrically active defects no experimentally confirmed microscopic identifications have been reported. Here we identify lead monovacancy (V Pb ) defects in MAPbI 3 (MA = CH 3 NH 3 + ) using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy with the aid of density functional theory. Experiments on thin film and single crystal samples all exhibited dominant positron trapping to lead vacancy defects, and a minimum defect density of ~3 × 10 15 cm −3 was determined. There was also evidence of trapping at the vacancy complex $$({{{{{\rm{V}}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{Pb}}}}}}{{{{{\rm{V}}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{I}}}}}})^{-}$$ (VPbVI)− in a minority of samples, but no trapping to MA-ion vacancies was observed. Our experimental results support the predictions of other first-principles studies that deep level, hole trapping, $${{{{{{\rm{V}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{Pb}}}}}}}^{2-}$$ VPb2− , point defects are one of the most stable defects in MAPbI 3 . This direct detection and identification of a deep level native defect in a halide perovskite, at technologically relevant concentrations, will enable further investigation of defect driven mechanisms.