Hegel and Durkheim: Contours of an Elective Affinity
Axel Honneth
期刊:Springer International Publishing eBooks [Springer Nature] 日期:2021-01-01卷期号:: 19-41
The aim of my contribution is to outline three points of overlap between Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and Durkheim’s sociology of morality in their respective views on social ethics: I will start by characterizing their shared conviction that the foundation of any form of morality cannot be found in some abstract principles but in actually existing, institutionalized normative rules that inform us about our role-obligations (i). In the second step I will show that Hegel and Durkheim also share the social-theoretical conviction that we should differentiate modern societies into three different spheres (family—civil society/market—state) all entailing different sorts of role-obligations; a part of this step will also specifically deal with the question of how both thinkers conceive of the problems raised by the modern, capitalist market economy (ii). In the third part of my contribution I will consider the question of whether we find in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right a placeholder for what Durkheim refers to as a kind of cosmopolitan ethics, a standpoint beyond the role-obligations connected to membership in individual states (iii). In my conclusion I will raise the question of the relevance of Hegel’s and Durkheim’s shared views on the basis for social ethics for contemporary discussions in political and social philosophy.