Interlayer coupling and stacking order play essential roles in shaping the exotic electronic properties of two-dimensional materials. Here, we employ restacked TaS2─a novel transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) with weak vdW bonding and twisted angles─to investigate the strain effects of interlayer modulation on the electronic properties. Under pressure, an unexpected transition from metallic to semiconducting-like states occurs. Superconductivity coexists with the semiconducting-like state over a wide pressure range, which has never before been observed in TMDs. Upon further compression, a new superconducting SC-II state emerges without structural evolution and gradually replaces the initial SC-I state. The emerging SC-II state exhibits robust zero-resistance superconductivity and an ultrahigh upper critical field. The abundant electronic state changes in RS-TaS2 are strongly related to band-structure engineering resulting from pressure-induced interlayer stacking angle modulation. Our results reveal the remarkable effect of interlayer rearrangement on electronic properties and provide a special way to explore the unique properties of 2D materials.