Learning associations between voices and faces have recently attracted much research interest. Previous studies mainly focused on improving loss function design for learning better representations, neglecting that informative inputs are the prerequisite of association findings and effective representation alignments. Based on this motivation, we proposed an unsupervised transformer-based learning framework, which fuses the knowledge of readily available single-modal expert models to learn better representations. Benefiting from higher-quality inputs, a simple noise contrastive estimation (NCE) loss is used for training. In addition, we proposed a statistical batch construction (SBC) strategy, which obtains high-quality negative samples during the unsupervised learning process. Experiments on the VoxCeleb1 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. It yields SOTA results in voice-face verification, matching, and retrieval tasks. In the challenging gender-constrained matching tasks, it achieves over 81% (ACC), which is 5% higher than the previous.