We have designed and implemented an optimized PID controller for an adaptive cruise control system in this paper. The mathematical model for a cruise control system has been developed, and it is observed that it is a nonlinear first-order model with dead time. The objective functions chosen for optimizing the PID controller are ITE, ITAE and ITSE. The design of the optimized PID controller is based on the particle swarm optimization technique and teacher learning-based optimization technique. The results are scientifically compared with the conventionally tuned PID and fuzzy-based controllers. The optimized Proportional Integral Derivative controller shows better performance than a conventional PID and fuzzy-based controller. The overshoot of the system has been reduced to 0% from 46%, and the rise time has been reduced to 0.6150 s. This is the new work in the literature that will be quite useful for the performance enhancement of the cruise control system.