This letter introduces a novel remote sensing singleimage superresolution (SR) architecture based on a deep efficient compendium model. The current deep learning-based SR trend stands for using deeper networks to improve the performance. However, this practice often results in the degradation of visual results. To address this issue, the proposed approach harmonizes several different improvements on the network design to achieve state-of-the-art performance when superresolving remote sensing imagery. On the one hand, the proposal combines residual units and skip connections to extract more informative features on both local and global image areas. On the other hand, it makes use of parallelized 1×1 convolutional filters (network in network) to reconstruct the superresolved result while reducing the information loss through the network. Our experiments, conducted using seven different SR methods over the well-known UC Merced remote sensing data set, and two additional GaoFen-2 test images, show that the proposed model is able to provide competitive advantages.