Agarose and eight different derivatives carrying O-methyl, O-sulphate, O-hydroxyethyl or O-carboxyethylidene substituents in various positions were studied by optical rotation, X-ray diffraction and computerised molecular model building methods. All samples showed essentially the same order-disorder transition during gel-sol interconversion. In addition, all the samples that could be made into oriented films or fibres gave X-ray diffraction diagrams corresponding to a common molecular structure. A double helix model for this structure is proposed that has the 0.95 nm axial periodicity observed and a calculated cylindrically averaged Fourier transform in good agreement with the observed (continuous) layer line intensities. Each chain in the double helix forms a lefthanded 3-fold helix of pitch 1.90 nm and is translated axially relative to its partner by exactly half this distance. This model accounts for the sign and magnitude of the optical rotation shift that accompanies the sol-gel transitions and is sterically accessible to each of the various substituted forms. The relationship between agarose gel properties and the double helix is discussed and the structure compared with i-carrageenan.