Abstract Background Nitrogen-based nutrients are the main factors affecting rice growth and development. Root systems play an important role in helping plants to obtain nutrients from the soil. Root morphology and physiology are often closely related to above-ground plant organs performance. Therefore, it is important to understand the regulatory effects of nitrogen (N) on rice root growth to improve nitrogen use efficiency. Results In this study, changes in the rice root traits under low N (13.33 ppm), normal N (40 ppm) and high N (120 ppm) conditions were performed through root morphology analysis. These results show that, compared with normal N conditions, root growth is promoted under low N conditions, and inhibited under high N conditions. To understand the molecular mechanism underlying the rice root response to low and high N conditions, comparative proteomics analysis was performed using a tandem mass tag (TMT)-based approach, and differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) were further characterized. Compared with normal N conditions, a total of 291 and 211 DAPs were identified under low and high N conditions, respectively. The abundance of proteins involved in cell differentiation, cell wall modification, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and protein synthesis was differentially altered, which was an important reason for changes in root morphology. Furthermore, although both low and high N can cause nitrogen stress, rice roots revealed obvious differences in adaptation to low and high N. Conclusions These results provide insights into global changes in the response of rice roots to nitrogen availability and may facilitate the development of rice cultivars with high nitrogen use efficiency through root-based genetic improvements.