An approximate theoretical procedure is developed herein in order to estimate the permanent transverse deflections of beams and arbitrarily shaped plates which are subjected to large dynamic loads. The influence of finite-deflections or geometry changes is retained in the analysis but elastic effects are disregarded. The particular case of a fully clamped rectangular plate acted on by a uniformly distributed dynamic pressure pulse is studied in some detail. It is observed that reasonable agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results has been obtained for beams (β = 0) and rectangular plates (β = 0.593) which were made from a strain-rate insensitive material. Oпиcывaeтcя пpиближeнный тeopeтичecкий пpoцecc, c цeлью oцeнки ocтaтoчныч пoпepeчныч пpoгибoв бaлoк и плacтинoк пpoизвoльнoй фopмы, кoтopыe пoдвepгaютcя дeйcтвию бoльмич динaмичecкич нaгpyзoк. B aнaлизe yчитывaeтcя влияниe кoнeчиыч пpoгибoв или измeнeний гeoмeтpии, пoкa кaк yпpyгими эффeктaми пpeнeбpeгaютcя. Иccлeдyeтcя пoдoбнo чacтный cлyчaй пoлнo зaщeмлeннoй пpямoyгoльнoй плacтинки, пoдвepжeннoй дeйcтвию paвнoмepнo пpилoжeннoгo импyльca динaмичecкoгo дaвлeния. Haблюдaeтcя yмepeннaя cчoдимocть мeждy тeopeтичecкими пpeдcкaзaниями и зкcпepимeнтaльными peзyльтaтaми для бaлoк (β = 0) и пpямoyгoльныч плacтинoк (β = 0,593) изгoтoвлeнныч из мaтepиaлa нeчyвcтвитeльнoтo к cкopocти дeфopмaции.