Climate change and coastal ecosystems have become challenging subjects for world sustainability. Humans, animals, and other ocean habitats are primarily affected by the harmful changes in climate. Coastal ecosystems support biodiversity and a wide range of species that serve as habitats for many commercially important fish species and enhance human activities in coastal areas. By engaging in coastal outdoor activities, individuals can experience numerous physical and mental health benefits, foster environmental awareness. This study provided valuable insights into the importance of coastal outdoor activities and their potential to improve our quality of life. This study undertook a challenging subject where we graphically and econometrically analyze the relationship and linkages among coastal indicators with other climate-concerning factors. The study comprises the ordinary regression and comparative analysis among the four largest coastline countries in the world. The study took a sample from Canada, Indonesia, Norway, and the Russian Federation from 1990 to 2022. The data is selected on a convenient basis. Results declared that each country has its unique challenges and opportunities in mitigating adverse climate change and retaining a sustainable coastal ecosystem. The study surprisingly revealed that climate change insignificantly affects the coastal ecosystem in Indonesia and the Russian Federation while it inversely affects the coastal ecosystem in Canada and Norway, showed that climate change on average declines coastal production by 0.0041922 and 0.0261104 in Canada and Norway respectively. The detailed review is given in the results section; however, the pooling analysis proved that at the aggregate level, a one percent increase in climate change caused a 0.02266-tonne decline in coastal ecosystems in the four largest coastline nations. There is a need for policies tend to increase CAP activities by implementing practical marine protected areas. Furthermore, scientific research and monitoring will be beneficial in restoring coastal sustainability.