Multiferroic materials have a unique ability to combine two or more ferroic orders within the same phase. Specifically, magnetoelectric (ME) materials exhibit a unique combination of three ferroic orders in their response to magnetic, elastic, and electric fields. This study focuses on a finite element investigation of a hybrid multilayer ME coupling, incorporating two different magnetostrictive materials in a single composite. The composite includes Nickel, exhibiting negative magnetostriction, leading to an increase in pre-compressive stress, easy machinability, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, Terfenol-D is utilized due to its characteristic property of high magnetostrictive strain when exposed to an external magnetic field. The result of this study shows that this hybrid ME structure has an ME coefficient of 804 mV/cm ⋅ Oe without pre-stress and ME coefficient is increased to 32.64 V/cm ⋅ Oe by applying pre-stress while retaining cost-effectiveness. The analysis in this particular work also suggests promising applications for energy harvesting and magnetic field sensing.