Our purpose was to investigate the diagnostic value of the RNA-based HPV test (NucliSENS EasyQtm HPV) which utilizes NASBA technology for determination of the expression of E6/E7 of five high-risk HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33 u 45).Two hundred women aged 16 to 61 (mean 34.44) were prospectively studied. All of the women were subject to colposcopy, cytology and target biopsy. PCR DNA typing for 12 high-risk HPVs and RNA typing for E6/E7 oncogenes of five high-risk HPV were performed in parallel with a diagnostic kit NucliSens HPV v1.0 (bioMerieux).The colposcopy showed 119 normal and 81 abnormal findings (mild in 70 and heavy in 11). Cytological results were normal and non-neoplastic in 167, low-grade in 30 and high-grade in 3 women. The histological examination showed normal and inflammatory changes in 50, HPV findings in 94, low grade CIN in 35 and high grade CIN in 21 patients. DNA tests were positive in 148 (74.37%) women, 60 (40.54%) with one and the rest with 2 and more genotypes. A positive RNA-NASBA test with one genotype was found in 23 women. The comparison of the two typing tests established a full correlation between the detected by the PCR high-risk type HPV and the presence of E6/ E7 mRNA transcripts from the same HPV genotype.Our results confirmed the high diagnostic possibilities of NASBA technology. This gave women with precancerous lesions of the cervix an opportunity to receive more precise diagnostics.