Classic robotic manipulators are best suited for high-precision and repeatable tasks that are performed in uncluttered environments. Due to these characteristics, they are ubiquitous in the vast majority of industrial applications. There are, of course, practical limits to the use of classic manipulators and the need for clear-of-obstacles workspaces is the most important. Demanding applications like spray enameling require operations to be performed in cluttered spaces. The current thesis deals with the development of a novel prototype robot for these type of tasks, aptly named the ERMIS ( Eueliktoc Rompotikic MhqanISmic) translated as \Flexible Robotic Mechanism". The design of the mechanism is inspired by nature and falls in the general group of robots called hyper-redundant manipulators. The current thesis present the special Disk-Ball-Disk (DBD) joint concept that is inspired by the vertebrae of the spinal column. The DBD joint is analyzed using geometrical and Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) and is the fundamental element of the ERMIS mechanism. The construction process of the manipulator is presented and the key issues addressed during development is described. Of particular inter- est are the innovative characteristics of the actuation system, speci cally the use of the multi-layered pulley simplifying construction and control. Finally, a uni ed model for the kinematics analysis of ERMIS manipulator is presented. This model is applicable not only for ERMIS but also to a larger group of hyper-redundant manipulators, due to its modular nature.