Guilherme A. Ribeiro,Rafael Alves de Aguiar,Rafael Penteado dos Santos,Felipe Domingos Lisbôa,João Antônio Gesser Raimundo,Thiago Loch,Ângelo Meira,Tiago Turnes,Fabrízio Caputo
Abstract Ribeiro, G, de Aguiar, RA, Penteado, R, Lisbôa, FD, Raimundo, JAG, Loch, T, Meira, Â, Turnes, T, and Caputo, F. A-mode ultrasound reliability in fat and muscle thickness measurement. J Strength Cond Res 36(6): 1610–1617, 2022—This study aimed to verify the reliability of the BodyMetrix portable A-mode ultrasound in measuring fat and muscle tissue thickness. Thirty physically active men participated in daily body composition evaluations. The evaluations comprised 2 techniques: (a) graphic technique (GT BM ), which measured the fat thickness at 9 body sites (abdomen, axillary, biceps brachii, calf, chest, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh, and triceps brachii), and (b) imaging technique (IT BM ), which simultaneously measured the fat and muscle thickness of 6 body surfaces (abdomen, biceps brachii, chest, thigh, trapezius, and triceps brachii). Regarding GT BM , relative reliability was moderate to excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]: 0.81–0.98), whereas absolute reliability was acceptable for abdomen, calf, chest, subscapular, suprailiac, and triceps brachii (coefficient of variation [CV]: 6.9–8.8%) but high for axillary, biceps brachii, and thigh (CV: 12.0–17.4%) in measuring fat thicknesses. Concerning IT BM , relative reliability was good to excellent (ICC: 0.93–0.99 and 0.90–0.98), whereas absolute reliability was acceptable (CV: 3.0–9.2% and 3.5–5.9%) in measuring fat and muscle thickness, respectively. These findings suggest that the, GT BM was only reliable in measuring fat thickness of abdomen, calf, chest, subscapular, suprailiac, and triceps brachii, whereas IT BM was reliable in measuring both fat and muscle thickness in all regions, but showed better reliability values in measuring muscle than fat thickness.