Comparison of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based image guided radiotherapy approaches in the reduction of setup uncertainties during deep inspiration breath-hold radiotherapy (DIBH-RT) for left breast cancer
Advances in radiotherapy has allowed higher cure rates for cancer such as breast and thus, it is important to reduce the possible radiation side effects from exposure to other organs such as the heart. Deep inspiration breath-hold radiotherapy technique (DIBH-RT) significantly reduces cardiac dose during left breast radiotherapy, but the patient setup requires careful adoption of image guidance radiotherapy technique (IGRT) approaches. This study investigates the effectiveness of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based IGRT protocols for patients' inter-fraction set-up correction. Setup error data from two patients’ groups; A and B who had daily CBCT and first 3 fractions + weekly CBCT imaging respectively, were analysed. This constitutes a total of 13 left breast cancer patients treated using DIBH-RT at Advanced Medical Dental Institute (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia. The analysis was performed using MATLAB (MathWorks Inc Natick MA) to calculate the mean setup errors. The population systematic (∑) and random (σ) errors were calculated for non-IGRT, online, and two offline IGRT protocols; no action level (NAL) and extended no action level (eNAL) for each patient group. The corresponding planning target volume (PTV) margin and its percentage reduction for each of the IGRT protocols were established using van Herk margin recipe. The least population systematic setup error and PTV margin were found when using the online protocol (∑X/Y/Z = 0.17/0.22/0.31 mm; PTVX/Y/Z = 0.71/0.92/1.28 mm) followed by eNAL (∑X/Y/Z = 1.32/1.94/1.85 mm; PTVX/Y/Z = 5.75/7.99/8.46 mm), NAL (∑X/Y/Z = 1.45/2.26/1.84 mm; PTVX/Y/Z = 6.27/8.93/8.46 mm) and non-IGRT (∑X/Y/Z = 2.28/3.35/3.10 mm; PTVX/Y/Z = 7.77/10.85/10.93 mm). Up to 90% in PTV margin reduction is achieved with the online protocol. In conclusion, the use of IGRT during DIBH-RT for left breast cancer patients reduces patient set-up error and allows the use of tighter PTV margins. The online IGRT protocol was shown to be more effective in the reduction of errors and the PTV margin followed by eNAL and NAL offline IGRT protocols.