Abstract Demonstration of efficient polarization‐signal filtering induced by molecular orientation in organic heterostructures remains elusive. Herein, an epitaxial growth technology is developed for blue‐emissive horizontal p‐distyrylbenzene (DSB) nanosheet (NS) arrays on 9,10‐dicyanoanthracene (DCA)‐dominated (DCA) 1‐x (DSB) x doped nanowire (NW) backbone via a facile stepwise solution‐processed method. It is shown that the DSB NS arrays generate blue amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), whereas the backbone of the (DCA) 1‐x (DSB) x displays intense yellow emission. Surprisingly, the blue ASE can effectively propagate in (DCA) 1‐x (DSB) x backbone immunity to DCA absorption and realize polarization filtering of output ASE. The mechanism of the orthogonal polarization between blue‐ASE from branches and absorption of DCA molecules in the backbone is responsible for the efficient transport of higher‐energy photons in narrow‐gap emitters. This molecular orientation‐induced polarized‐light transport can serve to control light propagation and function as polarization filter in a single heterostructure. The research provides an interesting example for the exploration of novel all‐optical switch devices in photonic circuits.