Predictive in vitro models are valuable alternatives to animal experiments for evaluating the transport of molecules and (nano)particles across biological barriers. In this work, an improved triple co-culture of air-blood barrier was set-up, being exclusively constituted by human cell lines that allowed to perform experiments at air-liquid interface. Epithelial NCI-H441 cells and endothelial HPMEC-ST1.6R cells were seeded at the apical and basolateral sides of a Transwell® membrane, respectively. Differentiated THP-1 cells were also added on the top of the epithelial layer to mimetize alveolar macrophages. Translocation and permeability studies were also performed. It was observed that around 14–18% of 50-nm Fluorospheres®, but less than 1% of 1.0 µm-Fluorospheres® could pass through the triple co-culture as well as the epithelial monoculture and bi-cultures, leading to the conclusion that both in vitro models represented a significant biological barrier and could differentiate the translocation of different sized systems. The permeability of isoniazid was similar between the epithelial monoculture and bi-cultures when compared with the triple co-culture. However, when in vitro models were challenged with lipopolysaccharide, the release of interleukin-8 increased in the bi-cultures and triple co-culture, whereas the NCI-H441 monoculture did not show any proinflammatory response. Overall, this new in vitro model is a potential tool to assess the translocation of nanoparticles across the air-blood barrier both in healthy state and proinflammatory state. The use of in vitro models for drug screening as an alternative to animal experiments is increasing over the last years, in particular, models to assess the permeation through biological membranes. Cell culture models are mainly constituted by one type of cells forming a confluent monolayer, but due to its oversimplicity they are being replaced by three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models, that present a higher complexity and reflect more the in vivo-like conditions. Being the pulmonary route one of the most studied approaches for drug administration, several in vitro models of alveolar epithelium have been used to assess the drug permeability and translocation and toxicity of nanocarriers. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of 3D in vitro models that mimic the morphology and the physiological behavior of the alveolar-capillary membrane. In this study, a 3D in vitro model of the air-blood barrier constituted by three different relevant cell lines was established and morphologically characterized. Different permeability/translocation studies were performed to achieve differences/similarities comparatively to each monoculture (epithelium, endothelium, and macrophages) and bi-cultures (epithelial cells either cultured with endothelial cells or macrophages). The release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (namely interleukin-8) after incubation of lipopolysaccharide, a pro-inflammatory inductor, was also evaluated in this work.