Abstract In order to realize efficient and comprehensive utilization of kyanite tailings (KT) mullite insulating firebrick (M‐IFB) with high strength and low thermal conductivity with spherical‐low connectivity porous were success fully prepared by using KT and alumina as the main raw material. Control of the porosity and properties of mullite insulating firebrick can be easily and accurately achieved by adjusting the heat treatment temperature and the amount of forming agent. The compressive strengths, bulk density, thermal conductivities, liner change, and porosities ranged from 25.86–53.26 MPa, .58–1.61 g/cm 3 , .236–.599 W/(m·K), −1.01 to −.426 % and 66.89 to 78.63 %, respectively. The creep rate of M‐IFB was compared with that of current insulating bricks after them used in the baking kiln of lithium ion battery cathode materials in the laboratory to simulate the environment. The results show that the M‐IFB corrosion resistance was obviously superior to the current insulation bricks. The high porosity high strength mullite insulating firebrick prepared by this method is expected to be used in thermal insulation system of kiln to realize the comprehensive utilization of solid waste.