Bone Transplantation

医学 移植 骨移植 骨科手术 松质骨 外科
Amy E. Williams,Robert M Szaso
期刊:Orthopedics [SLACK, Inc.]
卷期号:27 (5): 488-495 被引量:32

Review ArticleBone Transplantation Amy Williams, MD, , and , MD Robert M Szaso, MD, MPH, , MD, MPH Amy Williams, MD and Robert M Szaso, MD, MPH Orthopedics, 2013;27(5):488–495Published Online:May 01, 2004 by:31PDFView Full Text ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMore1 . Macewan W. Observations concerning transplants of bone. Proc R Soc Umd. 1881; 32:232. Google Scholar2. Phemister DB. The fate of transplanted bone and regenerative power of its various constituents. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1914; 19:303. Google Scholar3. Albee F. Fundamentals in bone transplantation: experiences in three thousand bone graft operations. JAMA, 1923; 81:1429-1432. Google Scholar4. Sandhu HS. Grewal HS. Parvataneni H. Bone grafting for spinal fusion. Orthop Clin North Am. 1999; 30:685-698. Google Scholar5. BurweU R. Studies in the transplantation of bone, VE: the fresh composite homograft-autograft of cancellous bone. 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