With the increase of incidence, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which are chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, impose a considerable health and financial burden on individuals and society. Therefore, it is critical to investigate the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis and development of IBD. Here, a gut microbiota antigen-specific T cell transfer colitis model is described. CBir1 flagellin has been recognized as the immunodominant gut bacterial antigen in experimental colitis and patients with Crohn's disease. CBir1 TCR transgenic naϊve CD4+ T cells, specific to CBir1 flagellin, can induce chronic colitis after adoptive transfer into immune-deficient Rag1-/- mice. The disease severity is assessed by histopathology. The CD4+ T cell phenotypes in colonic lamina propria are also determined. This model closely resembles the development of IBD, which provides an ideal murine model for investigating the mechanisms driving the pathogenesis of IBD and testing the potential drugs for treating IBD.