Aspongonpus chinensis Dallas is an important edible and medical resource insect. The market demand for the insects has been growing year by year. Because of the environmental pollution and artificial destructive collection,its population in the wild has decreased gradually. The prices for the insects has rose significantly from 20 ~ 50 RMB / kg in 2012 to 300 RMB / kg in 2014 and the insects are still short in supply.This project aims to study the morphology and biology of A. chinensis in order to provide theoretical basis for artificial propagation and mass production. The study was undertaken through laboratory observation and field surveys during 2012 ~ 2014 in Xijiu Town,Zunyi,Guizhou province. It includes the descriptions of the morphological features,life history,adult life span,biological properties,and reproductive behavior of A.chinensis. Aspongonpus chinensis has only one generation per year in the natural conditions. Adults start overwintering under the cobblestone,sand blocks,dry branches,fallen leaves and stone crevices from late September and early October. Adults need supplemented nutrition after overwintering in next May. The peak of mating and egg laying occur in late May and the whole month of June. Egg laying continues until July. The earliest nymphs appear in early June,and all nymphs would have developed into adults by September. The first generation adults seach for overwintering places in late September and October. Average life longevity is342. 94 ± 11. 35 d for adult female,and 331. 76 ± 7. 65 d for adult male. Aspongonpus chinensis could mate multiple times and lay eggs multiple times. When the sex ratio is 1∶ 1,the average mating duration of virgin females and males is 8. 92 ± 1. 97 h. Single female lay from 20 to 60 eggs on average. In addition,A. chinensis also has the characteristics of negative phototaxis and aggregation. It is concluded that artificial mass production of A. chinensis would be difficult because it has long life history,serious overwintering diapauses and low fecundity.