This study aimed to expand PDEODE*E Tasks with the Think-Pair-Share model for reconstructing students’ misconceptions on work and energy. The PDEODE*E Tasks withThink-Pair-Share model implemented for students who had not taught the concept of work and energy. The participants include 36 students of tenth grade (22 girls and 14 boys, whoseages ranged from 15 to 16 years) at a senior high school in Bandung, Indonesia. Students’ misconceptions evaluated by administering an Energy and Momentum Conceptual Survey(EMCS) comprised of 18 items in the form of four-tier, as pre- and post-test. Furthermore, students’ thoughts also elicited using worksheets of seven PDEODE*E tasks. A qualitativeapproach is used to analyze the test and worksheets. The data analysis had mostly focused on work and energy concepts such as work, energy, and conservation of energy. Thefindings suggested that PDEODE*E Tasks with Think-Pair-Share model improved students’ conceptual understanding and reduced most of their misconceptions despite alittle misconception motionless occurred. Teachers can use PDEODE*E tasks with the Think-Pair-Share model to reconstruct students’ misconceptions.