Good quality digital image is the basic need for various applications of present digital world like face recognitions, computer vision applications, satellite imaging and various security porpoises. Due to improper lance positions or insufficient light or unfavorable environment condition or some other causes many time captured images has bad contrast issues. It is necessary to improve contrast of the image for better performances in all image and video applications. This paper proposes an efficient method for improving bad contrast effects in colored images. This method uses hybridization of Range Limited Bi-Histogram Equalization and Adaptive Gamma Correction methods. Histogram Equalization is most popular method to enhancement of low contrast image, Bi-Histogram equalization method improved the results of basic Histogram Equalization contrast enhancement but Histogram Equalization method does not performs the brightness improvement in enhanced image. In other hand gamma correction method improves the brightness of dimmed image. The proposed hybridized method Range Limited Bi-Histogram Equalization with Adaptive Gamma Correction is implemented in low contrast color images and efficiently enhanced contrast better than using Range Limited Bi-Histogram Equalization and Adaptive Gamma Correction separately.