1 Introduction 2 Selected Theoretical Topics Relevant to Superconducting Nanowires 3 StewartMcCumber Model 4 Fabrication of Nanowires Using Molecular Templates 5 Experimental Methods 6 Resistance of Nanowires Made of Superconducting Materials 7 Golubev and Zaikin Theory of Thermally Activated Phase Slips 8 Stochastic Premature Switching and Kurkijarvi Theory 9 Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Thin Wires 10 SuperconductorInsulator Transition (SIT) in Thin and ShortWires 11 Bardeen Formula for the Temperature Dependence of the Critical Current Appendices A Superconductivity in MoGe Alloys B Variance and the Variance Estimator