List of Tables, Figures, and Exhibits. Introduction. The Author. PART ONE. CHAPTER ONE: MENTAL MODELS AND MIXED METHODS INQUIRY. Group Discussion. Making Sense of These Conversations: The Concept of Mental Models. Mixed Methods Social Inquiry as Mixing Mental Models. An Invitation to Read This Book. Who Is Invited. CHAPTER TWO: ADOPTING A MIXED METHODS WAY OF THINKING. A Mixed Methods Way of Thinking. Looking Ahead. CHAPTER THREE: THE HISTORICAL ROOTS OF THE CONTEMPORARY MIXED METHODS CONVERSATION. The Philosophical Seeds of Discontent. The Seeds of Discontent in Practice. The Great Qualitative-Quantitative Debate. Rapprochement and the Emergence of the Idea of Mixing Methods. But Troubled Waters Remained. CHAPTER FOUR: CONTESTED SPACES: PARADIGMS AND PRACTICE IN MIXED METHODS SOCIAL INQUIRY. On the Nature of Philosophical Paradigms for Social Inquiry, and Mental Models, Too. Interlude. On the Relationships of Mental Models (and Paradigms) to Practice. A Reflective Stance. My Mixed Methods Story. CHAPTER FIVE: STANCES ON MIXING PARADIGMS AND MENTAL MODELS WHILE MIXING METHODS. Various Stances on Mixing Paradigms While Mixing Methods-An Overview. Reprise. INTERLUDE ONE: AN ILLUSTRATION OF A MIXED METHODS WAY OF THINKING. Study Purpose. Mixed Methods Research Design. Mixed Methods Analysis. Sample Results. PART TWO. CHAPTER SIX: MIXING METHODS ON PURPOSE. Mixing Methods for Better Understanding. Purposes for Mixing Methods. An Illustration of Mixed Methods Purposes in Practice. Practical Procedures for Thinking About and Identifying Mixed Methods Purposes. Mixed Methods Purposes and Stances on Mixing Paradigms While Mixing Methods. CHAPTER SEVEN: DESIGNING MIXED METHODS STUDIES. Mixing Methods at Different Stages of Social Inquiry: Mixed Methods and Mixed Model Designs. Mixing Methods Within a Single Study or Across Studies in a Program of Research. Dimensions of Difference in Mixed Methods Design. Component and Integrated Mixed Methods Designs. Other Formulations of Mixed Methods Design. Illustrations of Mixed Methods Designs in Practice. Connecting Mixed Methods Designs to Mixed Methods Paradigm Stances and Mixed Methods Purposes. INTERLUDE TWO: MIXED METHODS PURPOSES AND DESIGNS IN ACTION. Overall Mixed Methods Purposes and Design. Mixed Methods Contributions to the MTO Study. CHAPTER EIGHT: MIXED METHODS DATA ANALYSIS. Thinking About Mixed Methods Data Analysis. Mixed Methods Data Analysis Strategies. Mixed Methods Data Analysis Exemplars. Reprise. CHAPTER NINE: JUDGING THE QUALITY OF MIXED METHODS SOCIAL INQUIRY. Thinking About Inquiry Criteria in Mixed Methods Social Inquiry. Inference Quality in Mixed Methods Social Inquiry. Legitimation as Quality in Mixed Methods Social Inquiry. Warranting the Quality of Inferences in Mixed Methods Inquiry. An Illustration. CHAPTER TEN: WRITING UP AND REPORTING MIXED METHODS SOCIAL INQUIRY. Writing Up Mixed Methods Social Inquiry: Representation in Social Inquiry. Writing Up Mixed Methods Social Inquiry: Two Preliminary Principles. INTERLUDE THREE: MORE CREATIVITY IN MIXED METHODS DATA ANALYSIS AND DISPLAY. The Metaphor. The Example. An Application of the Archipelago Metaphor. PART THREE. CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE POTENTIAL AND PROMISE OF MIXED METHODS SOCIAL INQUIRY. References. Index. TABLES, FIGURES, & EXHIBITS. TABLES. 6.1. A Roughly Hewn List of Inquiry Purposes. 6.2. Connections Between Mixed Methods Paradigm Stances and Purposes. 7.1. Component Mixed Methods Design Examples. 7.2. Integrated Mixed Methods Design Examples. 7.3. Mixed Methods Design Features of the SHATIL Evaluation. 7.4. Mixed Methods Design Features of the RESA Evaluation. 7.5. Connecting Mixed Methods Designs to Mixed Methods Paradigm Stances and Mixed Methods Purposes. 8.1. Summary of Mixed Methods Data Analysis Strategies. 8.2. Classroom and Family Measures in the Ecological Systems Study. 8.3. Site-level Implementation of the REA Reading Principles, by Data Set. FIGURES. 10.1. Standard Representation of Survey Results. 10.2. Alternative Representation of Survey Results. EXHIBIT. 5.1. Mixing Methods and Mixing Paradigms or Mental Models?