In this paper, the resilient practical cooperative output regulation problem (CORP) is addressed for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with unknown switching exosystem dynamics under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Different from most existing cooperative output regulation works, the exosystem dynamics considered in this paper are unknown to all agents and switching in different time intervals. A novel resilient practical cooperative output regulation control scheme is developed. This scheme consists of (i) a data-driven learning algorithm to learn the unknown switching exosystem matrices; (ii) an auxiliary observer to estimate the state of the exosystem; (iii) distributed resilient observers to estimate the state of the auxiliary system; and (iv) distributed controllers for individual agents. By using the dwell-time method, rigorous stability analysis shows that the resilient observation errors are globally ultimately bounded in the presence of DoS attacks and the resilient practical CORP is solved. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.