Heterogeneous catalysis is key for chemical transformations. Understanding how catalysts' active sites dynamically evolve at the atomic scale under reaction conditions is a prerequisite for accurately determining catalytic mechanisms and predictably developing catalysts. We combine in situ time-dependent scanning tunneling microscopy observations and machine-learning-accelerated first-principles atomistic simulations to uncover the mechanism of restructuring of Pt catalysts under a pressure of carbon monoxide (CO). We show that a high CO coverage at a Pt step edge triggers the formation of atomic protrusions of low-coordination Pt atoms, which then detach from the step edge to create sub-nano-islands on the terraces, where under-coordinated sites are stabilized by the CO adsorbates. The fast and accurate machine-learning potential is key to enabling the exploration of tens of thousands of configurations for the CO-covered restructuring catalyst. These studies open an avenue to achieve an atomic-scale understanding of the structural dynamics of more complex metal nanoparticle catalysts under reaction conditions.