Magnetic and electric dipole transitions between levels of the 4fx configuration perturbed by a static crystalline field are treated. The expression obtained for the pure-electronic electric-dipole transition probability involves matrix elements of an even-order unit tensor between the two 4fx states involved in the transition. The contributions to the transition probability from interactions, via the crystalline field, with the nd94fx−1, 4fx−1nd, 4fx−1ng configurations are shown to add linearly, in such a manner as to multiply each odd k crystal-field parameter Akq by a constant. If ``J mixing'' in the 4fx configuration is neglected ΔJ between the upper and lower 4fx levels is restricted to six units or less. If ``L mixing'' is neglected then ΔL is also restricted to six units or less. Application is made to the fluorescence spectra of PrCl3 and EuCl3. Many of the missing and weak transitions are explained.