Despite the fact that distal radius fractures are the most common, open fractures are relatively uncommon. The aim of this study is to present the case with severe malunion of extra-articular left distal radius after open fracture grade IIIB (Gustillo). The treatment was done with open correctuve osteotomy and ostosynthesis with volar low profile plate.A 32-years old man was admitted to our departement because of severely malunited left distal radius extra-articular metaphyseal fracture after treatment of an open fracture. He was primary treated in a Regional Hospital with irrigation, debridement, antimicrobial cover, and immediate skeletal management through fixation with Kirschner's wires. No external fixator was used. He developed volar metaphyseal angulation after loss of primary reduction of K-wires fixation; therefore it required corrective surgical treatment. Because of malunion, open corrective osteotomy and bone grafting of distal radius with volar plating were done. Follow-up 20 months after surgery show deformity correction of radial volar inclination, height, and restitution of distal radioulnar joint.This case report offers an informative overview on this uncommon case of distal radius open fracture malunion treated successfully with volar approach corrective osteotomy. Corrective surgery is the primary therapy of choice in the this case. This method have shown to be safe and effective in treatment of distal radius malunion with volar angulation.