Goossens, Adolescent Development: Putting Europe on the Map. Goossens, Theories of Adolescence. Alsaker, Flammer, Pubertal Maturation. Goossens, Emotion, Affect, and Loneliness in Adolescence. Lehalle, Cognitive Development in Adolescence: Thinking Freed from Concrete Constraints. Alsaker, Kroger, Self-concept, Self-esteem and Identity. Lehalle, Moral Development in Adolescence: How to Integrate Personal and Social Values? Goossens, The Many Faces of Adolescent Autonomy: Behavioural Decision-making and Emotional Distancing. Lila, van Aken, Musitu, Buelga, Families and Adolescents. Scholte, van Aken, Musitu, Speltini, Peer Relations in Adolescence. Zani, Cicognani, Sexuality and Intimate Relationships in Adolescence. Flammer, Alasker, Adolescents in School. Hendry, Kloep, Youth and Leisure: A European Perspective. Rubini, Kloep, Adolescents' Relationships to the Institutional Order. Michaud, Narring, Health-related Behavior: Current Situation, Trends and Prevention. Alasker, Dick, Depression and Suicide. Buelga, Ravenna, Musitu, Lila, Epidemiology and Psychosocial Risk Factors Associated with Adolescent Drug Consumption. Koops, Orobio de Castro, The Development of Aggression and its Linkages with Violence and Juvenile Delinquency.