Minh Duc Hoang Le,Vidhiwar Singh Rathour,Quang Sang Truong,Quan Mai,Patel Brijesh,Ngan Le
The automatic classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals has played an important role in cardiovascular diseases diagnosis and prediction. Deep neural networks (DNNs), particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have excelled in a variety of intelligent tasks including biomedical and health informatics. Most the existing approaches either partition the ECG time series into a set of segments and apply 1D-CNNs or divide the ECG signal into a set of spectrogram images and apply 2D-CNNs. These studies, however, suffer from the limitation that temporal dependencies between 1D segments or 2D spectrograms are not considered during network construction. Furthermore, meta-data including gender and age has not been well studied in these researches. To address those limitations, we propose a multi-module Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks (RC-NNs) consisting of both CNNs to learn spatial representation and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to model the temporal relationship. Our multi-module RCNNs architecture is designed as an end-to-end deep framework with four modules: (i) time-series module by 1D RCNNs which extracts spatio-temporal information of ECG time series; (ii) spectrogram module by 2D RCNNs which learns visual-temporal representation of ECG spectrogram ; (iii) metadata module which vectorizes age and gender information; (iv) fusion module which semantically fuses the information from three above modules by a transformer encoder. Ten-fold cross validation was used to evaluate the approach on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database (MIT-BIH) under different network configurations. The experimental results have proved that our proposed multi-module RCNNs with transformer encoder achieves the state-of-the-art with 99.14% F 1 score and 98.29% accuracy.