The hazard ratio (HR) remains the most frequently employed metric in assessing treatment effects on survival times. However, the difference in restricted mean survival time (RMST) has become a popular alternative to the HR when the proportional hazards assumption is considered untenable. Moreover, independent of the proportional hazards assumption, many comparative effectiveness studies aim to base contrasts on survival probability rather than on the hazard function. Causal effects based on RMST are often estimated via inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW). However, this approach generally results in biased results when the assumed propensity score model is misspecified. Motivated by the need for more robust techniques, we propose an empirical likelihood-based weighting approach that allows for specifying a set of propensity score models. The resulting estimator is consistent when the postulated model set contains a correct model; this property has been termed multiple robustness. In this report, we derive and evaluate a multiply robust estimator of the causal between-treatment difference in RMST. Simulation results confirm its robustness. Compared with the IPTW estimator from a correct model, the proposed estimator tends to be less biased and more efficient in finite samples. Additional simulations reveal biased results from a direct application of machine learning estimation of propensity scores. Finally, we apply the proposed method to evaluate the impact of intrapartum group B streptococcus antibiotic prophylaxis on the risk of childhood allergic disorders using data derived from electronic medical records from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and census data from the American Community Survey.