Abstract Basagran is the trade name of a post-emergence herbicide belonging to the thiadiazines. The active ingredient is bentazon. It was developed by BASF for the control of broadleaved weeds in soyabeans. Bentazon is a contact herbicide with low mammalian and fish toxicity. As it is absorbed by the green parts of the plants, full coverage is essential for complete success. It is selective in soyabeans at all stages of crop growth, and has a broad herbicidal spectrum. Annual weeds in soyabeans, including cocklebur. (Xanthium pensylvanicum) which is a serious problem in the soya-growing areas of the USA, are effectively controlled by 0.75–1.0 kg a.i. bentazon/ha. The most suitable time of application was found to be between the development of the first and third trifoliate leaves of the crop.