Zepeng Zang,Fangxin Wan,Guojun Ma,Yanrui Xu,Bowen Wu,Xiaopeng Huang
To obtain high-quality cherry products, ultrasound (US) combined with five chemical pretreatment techniques were used on cherry prior to radio frequency vacuum drying (RFV), including carboxymethyl cellulose coating (CMC), cellulase (CE), ethanol (EA), isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO), and potassium carbonate + ethyl oleate (PC + AEEO). The effect of different pretreatments (US-CMC, US-CE, US-EA, US-IMO, US-(PC + AEEO)) on the drying characteristics, quality properties, texture, and sensory evaluation of cherries was evaluated. Results showed that the dehydration time and energy consumption were decreased by 4.17 − 20.83 % and 3.22 − 19.34 %, respectively, and the contents of individual sugars, soluble solid, total phenolics (TPC), natural active substances, total flavonoids (TFC), and antioxidant properties (DPPH, ABTS and FRAP) were significantly increased after US combined with five chemical treatments (P < 0.05). Moreover, the pretreatment played important role in improving texture properties and surface color retention in the dried cherries. According to the sensory evaluation analysis, the dehydrated cherries pretreated with US-CMC exhibited the highest overall acceptance, texture, crispness, color, and sweet taste showed lower off-odor, bitter taste and sour taste compared to control and other pretreatments. The findings indicate that US-CMC pretreatment is a promising technique for increasing physicochemical qualities and dehydration rate of samples, which provides a novel strategy to processing of dried cherry.