Circumstantial evidence based on anecdote, case reports, epidemiological data and studies in vitro and in situ implicate tooth brushing with toothpaste with tooth wear, gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity. This review attempts to assess the clinical significance of the potential harm produced by this most common oral hygiene habit. The toothbrush alone appears to have no effect on enamel and very little on dentine. Most toothpaste also has very little effect on enamel and in normal use would not cause significant wear of dentine in a lifetime of use. Wear of enamel and dentine can be dramatically increased if tooth brushing follows an erosive challenge. Gingival recession has a multi-factorial aetiology and certain individuals and specific teeth may be predisposed to trauma from tooth brushing. Tooth brushing is known to cause gingival abrasions but how these relate to gingival recession is not known. The role of toothpaste in gingival abrasion and recession surprisingly has received little if any attention. Gingival recession most commonly exposes dentine and localises sites for dentine hypersensitivity. Some toothpaste products can expose dentinal tubules but erosion is probably the more dominant factor in dentine hypersensitivity. There is no evidence to indicate that electric and manual toothbrushes differ in effects on soft and hard tissues. It is only under, over or abusive use or when combined with erosion that significant harm may be thus caused. In normal use it must be concluded that the benefits of tooth brushing far out-way the potential harm.