A sensitive and selective electrochemical sensor was developed to detect Vanillin using Mn/Zn/V (MZV) nanocomposites. MZV nanocomposites were synthesized by modified Sol-gel technique and characterized by FT-IR, UV-VIS, SEM, and XRD techniques. Cyclic Voltammetry, Linear Sweep Voltammetry, and Differential Pulse Voltammetry experiments were performed on a three-electrode-based electrochemical system. A computational study (DFT) was used to support experimental data and understand chemistry at the working electrode/electrolyte interface. The specially designed working electrode showed a good sensing ability toward Vanillin in real and reference samples. The working electrode displays a linear response between the current density and concentration of Vanillin (20–120 μM) with a lowest detection limit of 120 μM. The characteristic oxidative (0.051 V) and reductive peak (0.47 V), formal potential (0.270 V), open circuit potential (−570 mV), current density, and Emid potential (0.025 V) of Vanillin help in qualitative estimation. Storage and stability of working electrodes were tested for 60 days.