While Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) technology has been predominantly employed in technical and medical academic education, it also holds significant potential for Vocational Education and Training (VET). IVR's unique properties, such as high immersion could be especially beneficial in VET, where action-oriented skills, domain-specific knowledge, and their application in new work contexts are crucial. This study investigates the effectiveness of IVR in vocational education, focusing on (1) objective knowledge acquisition, (2) subjectively perceived knowledge acquisition, and (3) motivational effects in the domain of warehouse logistics. Through a randomized controlled trial with 72 vocational students, we compared IVR-based learning to traditional paper-based methods. Results show that IVR did not improve immediate declarative knowledge acquisition; in fact, the paper-pencil group outperformed the IVR group on an objective post-test. However, IVR significantly enhanced students' perceived knowledge gains. The study also confirms higher motivation and immersion in IVR settings compared to paper-based learning environments. The identified discrepancy between perceived and actual learning may help explain the unclear state of research regarding knowledge acquisition in IVR studies, based on the measures used. Moreover, the findings underscore the necessity for a nuanced approach to IVR implementation in VET education. While IVR can be recommended for enhancing short-term learner engagement, traditional methods or a blend of IVR and non-immersive techniques may be more effective for fostering declarative knowledge in the short term.