In a flipped classroom setting, it is important for students to come prepared for the classroom.Being prepared in advance helps students to grasp the concepts taught during classroom sessions.A recent student survey at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW), Business School, Switzerland, revealed that only 27.7% students often prepared before a class and only 7% always prepared before a class.The main reason for not preparing for classes was lack of time and workload.A literature review study revealed that there is a growth of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example, chatbots and teaching assistants, which support both teachers and students for classroom preparation.There is also a rise in the use of data analytics to support tutor decision making in real time.However, many of these tools are based on external motivation factors like grading and assessment.Intrinsic motivation among students is more rewarding in the long term.This paper proposes an application based on AI and data analysis that focuses on intrinsically motivating and preparing students in a flipped classroom approach.