Biofilms are sessile microbial communities growing on surfaces, which are encased in some self-produced extracellular material. Beneficial biofilm could be widely used in agriculture, food, medicine, environment and other fields. As an ideal biocontrol agent, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B4 can form a strong biofilm under static conditions. In this study, we screened out metal compounds that enhanced or inhibited the biofilm formation ability of B4, established the relationship between the biofilm of B4 strain and its postharvest biocontrol effect, and explored the regulation of metal compounds on the biofilm formation. The results showed 0.5 mmol L−1 ferric chloride could enhance the biofilm formation and strengthen the antifungal effect of B4, indicating that there was a positive relationship between the growth of biofilm and its biocontrol effect. The enhanced biofilm had a certain biocontrol effect on different fruit, including peach, loquat, Kyoho grape and cherry tomato. Furthermore, the expression of degU and tasA was affected by metal ion treatment, which meant the genes might be essential for the biofilm formation of B4. Our findings suggested that biofilm of B. amyloliquefaciens played an essential role in the process of biocontrol and it might be a novel strategy for managing postharvest fruit decay.